Test and calibration of mass measuring instruments

All measuring devices should be regularly checked for calibration. In this regard, we carry out necessary calibration along with international standard measurement methods and provide trouble-free service to our customers in this regard. It is indeed a very important requirement to calibrate the devices, which often have to be very sensitive, without causing any problems to the buyer and the seller, by such advanced and expert methods.

It is very natural for mechanical or digital devices to deform over time. It is possible to reach the correct scale of the devices with the techniques and methods applied in accordance with not only local but also international standards. Thus, using the calibration system regularly is among the important duties and responsibilities of companies.

Calibration of measuring instruments in the laboratory is mainly carried out with the following equipment:

  1. Çəki daşları F1, E2
  2. Xüsusi təyinatlı yüklər
  3. Elektron və laboratoriya tərəziləri və s.